Friday, March 29, 2019

Ephemera: Writings of the Past

ephemera:  (singular: ephemeron) any transitory written or printed matter not meant to be retained or preserved, paper items (such as posters, postcards, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use

  There's something amazing about reading the personal writings of someone from 100 years ago.  When I first decided to add some vintage postcards to my antique collections, I only bought them for the beautiful art and design work.  Even though they were mass produced, they still had a unique look to them.  It was only after I took the time to read the correspondence did I start to appreciate the writing as well as the art.

  Here are the postcards and their writings that I have collected so far, all from the early 1900s.  I have copied them as closely as they are written, but included missing letters from words caused by presumably poor literacy and grammar, and question marks when I had trouble reading the handwriting:

A Wise Old Owl

No postmark(never mailed, or mailed in an envelope)
Mr. Wray
Norman, OKL
August 4, 1910
Dear cousin Wray:
I will write you a line or two.  Is the corn gone there.  How is the calf. Love to all Ruth

Best Wishes From ’Mildred’ (written in pencil)

Posted(date worn and unreadable)
Miss Ester Petsch
Hollenberg, Kansas
Dear Ester,
I will drop you a line we are all well at present.  Bethel is a sleep now I am looking for you down soon.
Your Friend
Mildred Lockhart

Best Wishes

Posted Oct 26, 1909
Miss Myrtle Runt
Irwin Pa.
Westmorland, Co.(?)
Oct. 23 1909
Dear Cousin
I wrote to you last and did not get answer yet I though(t) may be Grandmother is sick answere I will be waiting.

A Friendly Greeting

Posted Oct 28 1911
Mis(s) W. H. Williams
Vandergrift Hts PA #374
Margaret will not be over as Mr. Toylov(?) is not expected to live over today and she says that she will ove(r) some of these days soon.

No postmark(never mailed, or mailed in an envelope)
Miss L Gillam
Sandy Oregon
of Ed Gillam
May 12, (19)09
My dear little neice
I have sent you the goods to mak(e) you dresses.  I hope you will like them.  dont forget auntie and come and see me when you can. love to all, Mrs J E Wingate
225 ½(?) Mill St

  I'm not sure if I'll add to this relatively small collection, but either way I'm glad I had the chance to rescue these pieces of art and history from their probable fate of the landfill.

For more information:
The Ephemera Society of America
The Ephemera Society(UK)

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